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CIS 2336 was by far the roughest class I took this fall semester and although it was tough, I am proud to say I appreciate everything that was taught to me. Throughout the course I was introduced to PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, n-tier applications and welcomed other new terms to my vocabulary. Before the semester begun I had some brief knowledge over HTML and CSS therefore the first module worked as a review to me.

Moving on to the rest of the modules, I had no previous consciousness of such database programs and languages. Each given assignment from PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript modules shaped the process of my understanding for each new topic. One of my favorite tutorials were the ones W3Schools offers. Their tutorials all exceedingly comprehendible for anyone who is willing to learn or has a passion for computers and beyond. Each topic within the language/server is covered comprehensively which turned out to be a great key in my learning. Not only did I get to practice what was taught within the topics but I also got the opportunity to quiz myself and that made learning exciting to me.

If my class had been given more time to focus on specific points throughout the course I would prefer to go back to JavaScript to have more practicing time. By that I am referring to having assignments given to the class like we did in the other modules and come up with a working code. I would also like to spend more time on PHP just to double check I fully understand how PHP and MySQL work hand in hand.