Module 1- Reimaging the Internet and Internet Resources PART 1

During this video assignment I learned more about the founding fathers of the InterNet, Vint Cerf and Bob Khan. The lecture consisted of Cerf's and Khan's thoughts of IP address space, digital signatures and DNS, Metcalfe's Law, mobile internet, etc. I also had to answer the following questions below.

To listen to Vint Cerf Reimaging the Internet video lecture click here.

To view assignment details click here.

1. Vint Cerf has described the InterNet as a homogenous network that connect sheterogeneous computers. What did he mean by that?

Vint Cerf meant that the network connects computers and other devices with different operating systems.

2. What is Metcalfe's law?

The value of a network grows by the square of the size of the network, basically network's value is increased as the size of the network increases.

3. Where geographically are the majority of Internet Users located?


4. Concerning the percentage of a country's population that uses the Internet, with what are mobiles helping?

Mobiles are helping the Internet by being more local around the world.

5. In design terms, what differentiates the Internet from earlier networks such as the Telephone and Telegraph networks?

In design terms, what differentiates the Internet from earlier networks such as the Telephone and Telegraph network is that the Internet network was not purposely designed only for the telephone and the telegraph networks

6. Was there a particular logic in Vint Cerf's choice of a 32 it address space for IP addresses?

In the beginning there was no real lopgic behind it, eventually it worked out perfectly and turned into the Internet.

7. How do digital signatures relate to closing an important vulnerability in the DNS system?The current DNS system is that packets on information can “lie” about what they are. Digital signatures allow the computer to determine the authenticity of the packet, and perhaps inform the user of a threat.

8. What is a sensor network? Give an example. A sensor network senses when electricity consuming devices reach their peek. A smart grid is an example.

9. What does Vint serve describe as one of the hardest problems that he can imagine?

As incorrect configuration

10. Why is cloud collaboration important?

Because it is ideal to be able to move data back and forth or share with another cloud-based server.

11. How does Vint Cerf describe the job that his Internet Design did with mobile? Specifically, what was the problem?

His internet design was not the greatest with mobile. By then there was no such thing as mving devices that are known as mobile devices so because you could access anywhere it did not follow through. An example is multihoming, can't combine to form one stream.

12. How does Vint Cerf describe the job that his Internet Design did with broadcast? Specifically, what was the problem?

The update delivery was rather inefficient so Cerf initiated point to point links.

13. What is strong authentication? Why is the lack of this an issue?

Verifying that a network component is safe and trustworthy, authentic. The lack makes it easy for anyone to try to attempt to verify the network.

14. In an Internet context, what is the overrun problem?

The amount of different nodes one might have, sme may be bad guys. The bad guys could overrun the good guys and take over the devices because the bad guys cover as good guys to defeat them.

15. What does Cerf cite as a problem with the Internet and copyright?

Any digital information may be easily taken and distributed. The ability to control the copies won't fully work as one expects.

16. What does Cerf mean when he talks about rotten bits? Give an example.

Information created in one format cannot be interpreted by other types of software. For example, an image format on a Macbook most likely won't be interpretable on another laptop that runs Windows OS.

17. Briefly describe the InterPlanetary Internet. In your description, describe how this solves the point to point InterPlanetary communications problem.

Vint Cerf and his companions created Delay and Disruption Tolerant Protocol to use a store-and-forward relay to communicate more efficiently in space.

18. In an Internet context, what is common carriage? What implications does this have for Internet billing?

The same rules are applied to everyone; everyone is entitled to the same bandwidth, and other internet services.

19. What does Cerf means when he says that in the future, the network will disappear?

The network will become a part of the enviornment, like electricity You can't see it, but you know it's there.

Module 1- Reimaging the Internet and Internet Resources PART 2

We also had to read the document "Announcing the ISOC" It explained to the reader the rationale behind the establishment of the Internet Society.

To read the "Announcing the ISOC" click here.

1. What is the Internet Society?

It is an organization the facilitates, supports, and promotes the evolution and growth of the Internet as a place where other groups and organizations can come together to educate each other on the changes occuring in the Internet.

2. Who is Vint Cerf?

The founding President of the Internet Society, including the Internet itself.

3. Who is Bob Kahn?

Bob Kahn is also an Internet Society Founder.

4. As articulated by Lynn St. Amour, what is ISOC's hope for the future?

Everyone in the world has equal access to a ubiquitous, reliable, and open Internet where all countries of the world are on par.