Module 1- Spider & Starfish reading assignment

I was responsible for reading both the Introduction and Chapter One "MGM's Mistake and the Apache Mystery" from the Spider and the Starfish. The reading was very informative and opened up my eyes to see how the internet situation has so much in common with the Apaches back in the 1500s. Below you can find my answers to the given questions.

To read the Spider & Starfish click here.

To view assignment details click here.

1. In the seventeenth century, why were the Spaniards unable to defeat the Apaches? What implications does this have concerning current, or future organizational competition?

The Spaniards key was aimed to kill any high power and when they stumbled upon the Apaches the Spaniards failed at defeating them because of the lack of a centralized society. Instead of being like the Aztecs and Incas the Apaches were flexible, shared the power and worked as a team with no high powered leader. The implications made by the Apache example is found in where the power is held. It shows a great example of sharing the power amongst everyone in the group, coming to success and even surviving the many attacks from one of the biggest armies of their times.

2. Briefly compare and contrast centralized and decentralized organizations.

Centralized organizations depend on a high power, they operate as an detailed system and are brought together by the rule of law. Decentralized organizations have no high reign of power, they have no hierarchy, no headquarters, and no clear leader. They operate by the power laying within each individual and decisions being made every where.

3. List a few of the traits of a decentralized organization.

The traits of a decentralized organization include the following: no hierarchy, no high power, no leader in charge, everyone is their own person and make their own rules, nomadic, and no specific decision making locations(everyone makes their own decisions).

4. From a technical perspective, what is the primary difference between Napster and Kazza?

Kazza was formatted as a P2P system while Napster used a centralized server.

5. Is this reading relevant to the current competition between new organizations such as Uber and Lyft and existing taxi companies? Why or why not?

I would have to say Uber and Lyft both share similarities to this reading. Both Uber and Lyft are a lot like the Apaches by having the power for individuals to govern themselves. Yes, all Uber and Lyft drivers must follow the standard rules but they are practically free to do what they please in order for them to make their days money.