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My name is Jason McGuire and I am a sophomore at the University of Houston. I am currently studying Computer Information Systems and hopefully plan to become an IT technician or go into the cyber security field. I'm currently taking Internet Application Development also known as CIS 2336 with Professor Crowley. I have thouroughly enjoyed the class and look forward to using my newly learned skills in the real world.

The purpose behind my learning portflio is to showcase the best work I have done throughout the semester. In class we had four modules total, the modules consisted of different programming and scripting languages which can be found below and on the top menu. The menu system is set up in a way it could be easy for anyone to navigate my portfolio.

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Every webpage is written in HTML, it is the structure. Meanwhile CSS does all the styling of the website by adding color and such.


PHP is a programming language that can do all sorts of things, from evaluating form data sent from a browser, talking to a database, and much more.


MySQL is an open source relational database management system based on Structured Query Language. MySQL runs on virtually all platforms, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


Javascript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language used in HTML and can be found under the "script" tags.